Sweeping the Zendo
this is the blog
Life Is Like A Multi-Dimensional Color Picker
Most things, conditioned phenomena, exist on spectrums of being. We slide along, on some spectrums in only one direction, like the time spectrum. Others we may move back and forth, or just back, or not much at all. The spectrum of my height changed rapidly... Continue reading→
The First 60 Second Sit
Welcome Humanauts!! This is the first 60 Second Sit from Zenfluenced.life I hope to make this a daily feature. I hope you'll join me and take a short break from your day to practice a little mindful moment. (I know the whole video is more... Continue reading→
love in all lower case
I have a hard time telling someone that I love them. I have for as long as I can recall. I didn’t tell anyone that I loved them until I was about 15. I told my high school girlfriend. In response after she told me.... Continue reading→
A New Years Meditation
This is the text of the meditation I gave to my local sangha - Knoxville Insight Meditation or as we call ourselves Knoxville Sangha - on Monday January 2nd 2023. This is what was planned but some variations always happen. Let’s set our posture. Use... Continue reading→
If you meet the Buddha on the road
Recounting the events of November 14, 2022 N. was leading the Monday night sit. He’s a methodical but gentle meditation guide. It feels like an American Zen approach but with a broader knowledge base that allows everyone to feel accommodated by him as he leads... Continue reading→