An old aphorism goes - “There’s a different version of you wandering around the world in the mind of every person you’ve ever met.” There’s also a different version of you in your own mind that comes into existence each moment and is replaced by a new version of you in the next moment - moment after moment after moment. Awareness drives this bus full of past selves.
We’re not really a solid self. We’re constantly changing, adapting, growing, regressing and progressing; building on the infinite chain of causes and conditions that make up who we are at any given time. Our experience of this is linear so it seems like there’s some solid ground to our being but we’re simply the wave of existence constantly crashing on the shore of Now.
Alternate title “The wheels on the dependent origination bus go round and round”.
The title comes from a mantra that came to me during meditation. It's one that resonates with me and I return to it often. I don't typically have a mantra practice but at times when the concentration is lacking, when there's little focus, a mantra like this can help. I simply repeat and contemplate the mantra for a few minutes and generally my focus returns.
These are all sketches of me from different points in my life. I could tell you each one but you'd be really bored pretty fast, and really they're all kinda self explanatory. Also since this is the first comic I've posted this is the first time seeing Trey Stiks, the Humanaut character. He shows up in a lot of the comics. He's the genesis of the Humanaut concept. More to come on both of those.