What is this?
It’s blog, a store, a brand, a service . . . it is, this.
Mary Oliver asked, “What is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”
Zenfluenced is simply about showing up and being present for life . . . As the old saying goes – ‘We have two lives, and the second begins when we realize we only have one.’ Well this is our one wild and precious life my kalyana mittas.
I’ve been an introspective investigator, a Seeker-Class Humanaut*, my whole life. I’ve tried to explore what it is to be human and found that the real adventure is finding out what it is to be *this* human.
On this site I’ll share my exploration through my art, writing, meditations, and whatever other projects come to mind. I hope you’ll walk along this path with me for as long as it’s beneficial to you.
If you find benefit from what I’m offering please consider supporting this project by buying some of my art or (woodworking stuff like the bonsai tables etc what is that stuff called??), hiring me for a project, dropping a few bucks in the alms bowl, or just leaving a friendly comment.
Sit, breathe, make art, repeat. Metta to all.
Who is this?
Robert Pearce is a husband, 32 years and counting, father, graphic designer, artist, meditator and philanthropy enabler. I’ve had a regular meditation practice for about 12 years. My exploration of Buddhism started in high school when Mr. Horne, the school librarian, gave me a copy of Herman Hesse’s “Siddhartha” and said – “Read this.” I’ve studied the Pali Canon with members of my local sangha and am one of the guided meditation leaders for my sangha.
I have a BFA with a focus in graphic design, minor in ceramics and sculpture. (I was in school for a long time.) Over the years I’ve worked as an advertising designer at a newspaper, a large retail clothing chain, a small local agency and for nearly 2 decades as a freelancer. These days I also work with a family foundation as a consultant.
I have a wonderfully supportive wife and two incredible adult human beings that call me Dad.
You’ll learn more about me as I learn more about myself and this project unfolds. I hope you’ll join me.