If there’s one thing that’s constant, it’s change. Isn’t that what they say? Examples of impermanence are around us all the time. When I was looking at the old Bradford pear logs to find a suitable log for the base I needed, most of them were showing signs of their impermanence. Dry rot and “wet rot” (is that a thing?) made most of them unusable. They were being digested and broken down. Returning to be nutrients for the next generation of plants. Filling the bellies of pill bugs and other tiny fauna. No longer a tree but still playing a role. Constantly changing into new forms that the world needs. I think it infuses a bit of that dharma message into the piece.
I managed to find a few logs that were still mostly solid and stash them away for safe keeping. The grain of the wood draws me in. I’ll make a few more pieces out of it. It’s not just the grain though. Another part is that THIS USED TO BE A LOG!! I was stoked that I managed to take a log from our firewood and turn it into a thing. Not just a thing but a cool thing. That’s pretty cool.
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